Silent Shade
Create a brand that generates significant interest through advertising and attracts a younger audience who make spontaneous purchases online.
A distinctive design with no product name on the front, dominated by a traditional illustration of Death enjoying a glass of wine in the vineyard. Through its confident expression, the product attracted a younger audience who purchased it to reflect their own personality—self-assured and someone who doesn’t follow the crowd
In Sweden, wines are sold exclusively at Systembolaget (state-controlled shops). To secure a spot on the shelves, you must demonstrate that there is demand for the product. This is done through the so-called special order assortment, where there is an evaluation period lasting six weeks. If the interest is sufficient, the product is placed on the shelf. Interest is generated through advertising on social media, where the visual expression is of great importance
Create a brand that generates significant interest through advertising and attracts a younger audience who make spontaneous purchases online.
A distinctive design with no product name on the front, dominated by a traditional illustration of Death enjoying a glass of wine in the vineyard. Through its confident expression, the product attracted a younger audience who purchased it to reflect their own personality—self-assured and someone who doesn’t follow the crowd