Riesling Returns
Background: The Grape collective is a new Swedish Wine Company which battles the up-nosed wine industry. Their mantra is “No noses in the air, just in the glasses”
Brief: To change peoples’ perception of Riesling wine. The wine in the tall bottle is still seen as a sweet and cheap wine which only pairs with seafood, especially shrimps. The client wanted to relabel it as a wine that goes very well with modern cuisine, especially Asian.
Solution: Creating a name that stands out in the wine list, but clearly tells you of what is inside. The graphics tells us that the wine in the tall bottle is doing a comeback to the modern food scene in a way which won’t go unnoticed. It is obvious that the organic beast from Rheingau has an unstoppable urge for Asian food. Illustration by Mikael Eriksson, Rithuset http://rithuset.com/mikael_eriksson